Portrait by Tom Blackman - Instagram: @tom__blackman

Portrait by Tom Blackman - Instagram: @tom__blackman

About Me.

My name is Jay, I am a South Australian emerging contemporary artist; I have a Bachelor Degree of Visual Art completed at the University of South Australia and I consider my practice to be multidisciplinary, with a core focus of painting and photography.

Often, I prefer my work stays somewhat boundless, both for myself and my audiences. Which creates the room for a constant adaption of process, medium, classification of practice and perception. More often than not, I'd much rather audiences navigate their own subjective opinions and imagination when engaging with my work.

My work regularly follows a project to project format, but I am also establishing oil painted portraits as the main element of my practice. So if you are interested, I am open to commissions and please do not hesitate to contact me for further discussions.

Follow my Instagram for updates and fresh content.  


Jay Lord.